Our little heavyweight is currently weighing in at 14 lbs 9 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long. Both of these put her in the 75th percentile. She did really well the whole appointment except for giving Dr. Lindley the pouty lip and a quivering chin at the beginning. But after we flew her, she liked him again. SHe also got her second round of shots which probably bother me more than her. She cried for the stick but settled down soon after and fell asleep on the way home.
I am so grateful to have a healthy, happy baby. I don't know if there is anything better!
You'll laugh at this..because most people do. Easton was 14 lbs. 8 oz. at his 2 month and 18 lbs. 9 oz. at his 4 month well over 100% for everything! Chubby babies are the best! And I had to laugh that your brother was called to Pocatello, Idaho..that is great! Megan is so adorable!
I feel so sorry for people with skinny babies! What a cutie!
She is darling, Kristy!!
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