Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's New?

What do Virginia, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Texas have in common? They will all have been graced by the wonderful presence of the Whittacres!

Yes, you read that right. We are moving to Texas -- Dallas to be a little more precise! Chopper received a tentative job offer to work at Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Tentative because he needs to have a background investigation and drug test both come back clean before the formal offer is made. But we're not worried about that.

We are so excited! It's a new adventure and that's wonderful in and of itself but for Chopper to finally be employed again! He's also working on an online degree through American Military University that started this week. When it rains it pours and the blessings are coming down cats and dogs right now!

1 comment:

James and Kista said...

Just curious... did this offer come after you bore your testimony on Sunday? :)