Sunday, May 11, 2008

What a weekend!

It's fun to have things that break up your daily routine. Stephanie and James (not my brother) came to Missoula late Thursday night and spent Friday and Saturday with us (sort've) while they searched apartments in Missoula and he collected samples from the Clark Fork River for whatever he does. He explained it -- I still don't get it -- but it has to do with ecology and geology and making the environment better. They brought with them my sister-in-law Denise. Actually, they are friends of hers so that wasn't too random. I truly love Denise for herself, not just because she's Danny's wife. She is sweet and wonderful and so easy to be with. She teaches art at Bingham High School so it was nice for her to get away too this close to the end of the year and she loves Megan. We had such a good time just hanging out together and we went to an art gallery in downtown Missoula and just talked and played with Megan. She is just wonderful. Her sister Carrie is wonderful too! It's nice to have a good relationship with yout in-laws but almost unheard of to have a relationship with their family. Denise's family just has taken us all in as well as my brother and they are wonderful. Carrie has a daughter Nyah who is about 3 months older than Megan so she sent us a huge bag of small diapers, baby food, and clothes that she's not using. I just find that amazing that she would do that!

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