Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Little Projects

We've had a few fun little projects in the works the past few days.  Of course, we had to carve a pumpkin -- but I did forgo roasting the seeds -- I'm the only one who eats them!

Megan did the designing . . . 

This is her finished face.

Then Chopper translated it into carve-able features and did the cutting.

And there it is!  Unbeknownst to me, the pumpkin doesn't actually sit upright.  So it has to be supported.  But it had a nice smooth face for carving!

In the dark . . .

Our next project was plant a tree!!!!  We are the ONLY house on our block without a tree in the front yard.  The previous owners dug it up apparently, although for the life of me I don't know why.  Anyway, on Saturday we went to the annual Homeowners Association Meeting and won a tree!  Now we're going every year!  No one bothers to go and they raffle off landscaping trees and flowers so we're going to make our HOA dues work for us and provide us with new landscaping!

 Of course the poor thing has to be tied up.  When the Texas wind blows it really gets going!  But hopefully it won't be too long before it can withstand it!

Last but not least, after putting up my wonky jacks quilt and arranging my picture wall, I realized I need another quilt to replace the jacks when they come down after Halloween.  Eventually, it would be fun to have a quilt for each season or holiday but that's not going to happen any time soon so instead I opted for one that can hang year-round if need be.
It was my first shot at a log cabin quilt (which I've always wanted to try) and the blocks are only about 4 inches so they're kind've wonky.  It's hard to sew pieces that small completely accurately!  But I'm very excited about the result and now I can dedicate myself to the (at least) 3 other projects that need to be finished in time for Christmas!  Whew!

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