Monday, January 26, 2015

Missing Camera Again

So this time the camera is missing but I found the data card.  Not a good thing really but I was able to download our pictures!

Chopper made apple swans for the girls for snacks one night.  Both of the girls must be growing, or at least they're finally done being picky.  Ok mostly picky.  But they want food all the time.  I feed them I promise!!  But I'm really posting the pictures because Megan is being cheesy for the camera and Abby has a great smile and I don't always get great pictures like this!

We spent a glorious Martin Luther King Day at the zoo!  It was William's first time (ok he went to the zoo when he was a month old -- and what in the world possessed me to go to the zoo on dollar day with a 4 year old and a 2 year old and a newborn is beyond me -- but that's a different story) and he loved the animals and the freedom to run and the statues to climb on!  He was very upset that we didn't ride the train but pacified when we rode the carousel.

I've realized that I have a post or two every year where I rave about the awesomeness of Dallas in the winter (and probably a few where I complain about the torture of Dallas summer) but I really do love having days where we can play outside without even jackets!!  This was one of those and so the zoo was pretty busy but we had a great time. 

All my monkeys.  Ha!

One area is set aside with picnic tables, etc. but had a massive amount of dry, dead leaves -- perfect for a leaf fight!!  I should post some of the pictures from my camera though because I have some great leaf-throwing ones there.

January is almost over and we're doing well.  We've stepped up our scripture study and prayer as a family and have not done Family Home Evening but I have a plan for February!  If it works, I'll post about it.  Both girls had parent / teacher conferences and both are doing well.  Megan is still making straight A's and is making progress with her anxiety and socially.  Abby is doing well academically but we really need to find a way to get her to stop sucking her thumb before kindergarten.  And I know from experience that it will be a hurdle to jump!  William talks more and more, still not too intelligible but he's doing it.  It seems like there was a funny story I wanted to share.  I need to have a month where I blog every day about funny things they say because there will come a day that I won't remember them.

Oh Abby cut her hair.  It's my fault actually.  She had one long piece hanging down in her bangs and asked me if she could cut it.  I said yes.  I KNOW.  For some reason in my head I thought she would snip it and move on -- like I would.  Right.  So after about 4 or 5 snips, I told her that was enough (in kind've a panicky voice) and sure enough, she's got some pretty short pieces.  Good news is that you can't tell because they blend in -- she didn't get the whole section, just the top layer.  Bad news is that now you know what kind of mother I am.  Ridiculous.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Gotta love the kid haircuts. Melynn still has this wonky piece in the back that I swear grew in badly after she cut it almost to the scalp. It always seems to be poking up.