Monday, June 24, 2013

What You Have to Look Forward To . . .

This post is dedicated to my parents and my three brothers who are currently without children.  My parents are looking forward to (hopefully) a visit from the four of us (sorry, Chopper not included) in less than a week.  They'll get all of this -- the screaming, the playing, the fighting . . . and yes, for my brothers who don't have children, someday I will laugh at you just like you laugh at me.  Someday . . . 

Hard to believe that this kid wasn't putting ANYTHING in his mouth just a month ago!!

The girls and William have gotten pretty adept at chasing each other but you have to be careful.  William gets over excited and clamps down HARD!  Those four little teeth are SHARP!  And he knows what he's doing because he doesn't bite me when I'm nursing him or when he's trying to get me to nurse, he still does the funny lip thing.  But otherwise, you better watch your skin!  But the girls enjoy chasing him and he enjoys giving it right back.  I have no worries about him being the trampled baby in this house!

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