Tuesday, September 2, 2014

She's been waiting in the wings . . .

Today has finally arrived!!!!
Abby finally, FINALLY had her first day at Apple Creek Preschool.  She's been waiting for 2 years for this to happen and Megan has been telling her all weekend all the wonderful things she'll get to do there.  She insisted that she wear her Apple Creek shirt today even though Thursdays are spirit days (Megan refused to wear hers EVER by the way) and of course the sparkly boots had to join in the fun.

2 years ago when Megan started I had to drag Abby out of the building while maneuvering an infant car seat because William was only 2 months old -- craziness!!  So today should have been so much better with just one child to herd.  Hahahahahahaha.  I forgot that child is William.

When we entered the building he took off for the classroom and when we got close I had to hold him back so that Abby could find her name, put away her backpack, and wash her hands.  I wasn't holding him but he was straining against me to go explore and play with cars and toys and he was starting to get pretty upset that I wouldn't let him go.  So I told Abby I was leaving and she gave me a hug and a kiss and said "bye!" and that was it.  William then looked at me, with tears running down his face and waved at ME and said "bye!!!"  Poor boy wanted me to leave so he could stay.  Needless to say, he screamed, he fought, he even hit and grabbed and bit me on the way back out to the car.  And cried until we got to the store.  And then wanted to be held and cuddled.  And then saw the candy aisle and wanted to get down and put candy in the basket.  It was nice to go to 3 stores and only have to buckle/unbuckle one child and not worry about watching 2 or 3 but I did lose William in Walmart.  Kid took off around a corner and disappeared.  I called and called for a few minutes and was just grabbing employees to help me look when I hear his little voice and found him hiding under a clothing rack.  Scared. Me. To. Death.  And he rode in the cart after that.

Picking up Abby was less traumatic because we didn't get out of the car but he did not like sitting in line and kept pointing to her seat.  Once she was in and we were on our way home, he was good again.

What a day.

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