I've now realized that many of those milestones, however, are not covered by the parenting books. Perhaps they don't want to discourage parents just yet . . .
Megan's most recent milestones in the latter category include the following:
1. picking her nose
2. Throwing screaming fits (i.e. tantrums) when she doesn't get her way
3. Understanding no and either ignoring it or making it a game
4. Realizing that her hands are dirty and deciding that her hair is as good a napkin as any
5. rolling her eyes
6. trying to escape when you try to a)change a diaper, b)get her out of the tub, or c) put clothes on
I love me daughter but I've decided that if she's going to be delayed in movement she needs to be delayed in other areas as well -- like toddler behavior. Not so. Ok I'm grateful she's not delayed in other areas really but, you know what I mean.
Very well stated...why is this? I think the same of Caleb. He can do all those things but it took him a very long time to crawl, and walk. I am however very grateful he is not a climber. That makes me a happy camper.
I laughed so hard at your list of milestones. Perfect pic too!!!
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