Thursday, September 7, 2017

First Days of School

The elementary schools here do a great thing for kindergarten.  The first week of school, the students don't go.  The teacher visits the house of each student to talk to the parents one on one about procedures, policies, etc.  I guess I can see where some people might not like a stranger coming into their home, but I thought it was great.  The second week of school, half the kids go one day and the other half go the next.  Then on the third day they all go together.  This gives them a smaller group to deal with when teaching the kindergarteners classroom procedures and stuff.

So Megan and Abby started 4th grade and 2nd grade last week!
This is the second year in a row that we've had weather hot enough for shorts the first week of school and then the temperature drops pretty dramatically the second week and I'm looking for jackets and coats.  Which reminds me that I need to get their coats out and make sure they fit or buy new ones . . .

Anyway, the girls both had great first days.  William was a little upset that after all the talk about going to school with Megan and Abby he actually didn't.  Of course the army brought out several tanks and trucks and so he was appeased by climbing all over those and then when we went home and he remembered how great it is to have mom to himself (plus unlimited tv time because of the surgery), he got over it pretty quickly.

This week, Wednesday was his official first day!  We took his graduation photos the night before:

And I drove the kids to school.

He had a great first day but told me afterwards that he was done with school and didn't need to go back.  So I was worried about day 2.  But he got up and was ready and got on the bus just fine!  His good friend Jackson from preschool is in his class until they move in a month or two so that's fun for him.  He knows several of the kids in fact because of preschool and it just makes me more glad that I did the preschool with him.

He has been coming home and turning the tv right on and he has to be reminded that we don't have tv after school until after homework is done.  He hasn't had any homework yet but I'm sure it will come.  This is a big change of life schedule for him and I hope that he continues to do well!  But overall, the first days of school have been successful and happy for all of them!  And I have to say that the past two days for me have been rather glorious!  Although I did talk to myself a good portion of today . . . 

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