Yeah we've started the second week of school and no I won't recap every single one of them. But a little review here is in order just because.
First of all, I have learned more about what school is like in one week of Abby attending then I have in two years of Megan attending. She talks. And talks. And it's very quiet around here without her.
Every day I've been asking the girls who they played with at recess and who they ate lunch with. Megan has been very anxious going back to school this year with one good friend gone (moved to another city) and another not in her class. At lunch, they have to sit with their classes, but I keep hoping that she will make good friends within her class and enjoy her social time. So far I think she's doing ok. She doesn't tell me a lot.
Abby, on the other hand, doesn't remember anyone's name. So instead I get descriptions.
Me: Who did you sit next to at lunch today?
Abby: The girl with the shirt that had a skinny shoulder and a string shoulder.
Me: What?
Abby: She has brown hair and her shirt had a skinny shoulder on one side and a string shoulder on the other.
Me: Who did you sit next to at lunch today?
Abby: The girl who called me a cheater.
Me: Why did she call you a cheater?
Abby: Because I was playing the x's and o's game by myself (tic-tac-toe)
Me: And when you play by yourself you always win?
Abby: Yep, so she called me a cheater. It's the same girl with the shirt with the skinny shoulder and the string shoulder.
Now I really want to know who this girl is!!
I've also heard the new song they're learning in music, what video they watched in art, the stories that they read in class everyday, and what she's doing with her friends at recess (digging for buried treasure and bones).
All I get from Megan is whether it was a bad day or a good day.
I've talked to both of their teachers though and it seems as though they are both doing really well. Homework starts this week (ugh) so that will bring home a little more information about what's going on too. William on Friday finally asked me where Abby and Megan were and today he asked to go to Abby's school but he's also happy at home watching Mighty Machines and playings trains and cars. He doesn't chatter though and he doesn't talk out loud while he plays so it's pretty quiet around here -- which I'm not complaining about! The house stays cleaner, I've been mowing the lawn (what???) and getting some pillows sewn for a friend/client. And that's it! We all hate getting up in the morning though.