Sunday, June 2, 2013

It's Summertime!

Megan's preschool has actually ended a week earlier than the public schools but she is on a set timeline that after school ended, it would be summer -- so summer it is!!  It's certainly warm enough to claim it!

I'm going to do something I have not yet done in 5 years of mothering -- live by a schedule!  I'm hoping that having one in place will help us have a fun and productive summer rather than degenerating into a tv watching mess.  And I'm really trying to limit television right now because it's one of the 2 things that Abby constantly asks for (the other is Dr. Pepper -- I am NOT kidding).  She's become a little bit of a My Little Pony addict and it worries me.

So our daily schedule is going to go something like this:
Try not to wake up
Out of the house activity (grocery shopping, library, pool, friends -- Friday's are going to be our field trip days -- this Friday is the Arboretum.  Hey, gotta get it in while it's still relatively nice in the mornings!)
Reading (story books for Abby and a chapter or 2 of another book for Megan, right now we're reading Charlotte's Web!!)
Chores (every day we'll water the plants and then I've broken household chores up into parts to last all week.  FUN! -- Not really but I need to teach them to work right?)
Homework -- I found basic activity books at the Dollar Tree (LOVE that place) on letters and numbers, etc.  So just to keep them working academically.
Fun activity!!!  This week we'll do an animal memory game on Monday, hopscotch on Tuesday, water balloon fight on Wednesday, bubble burst paintings on Thursday, and cookie clocks on Friday!  

I'm hoping that a packed afternoon in particular helps with the time between naps and dinner.  For some reason, that is the LONGEST part of the day for me, I'm getting tired and am more apt to be cranky and the girls can be restless too.

In addition, we're doing all of our Family Home Evenings for the summer on the Articles of Faith and our stake has given us a summer scripture reading program that I'll probably incorporate when it starts.
We'll be busy!!  But that's to keep our minds off of the fact that we will not be going to Michigan to visit Grandma and Grandpa because we're all really upset about it.  Seriously.  I don't talk about it because it makes me sad and it makes the girls mad.

So here's to an amazing, at home summer!!!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Your plan is amazing. You are an awesome mom!