Sunday, April 18, 2010

What to say, what to say

I don't have a lot to report right now. My days still consist of eat, sleep, and change diapers. It's still hard to go out and do anything because Abby wants to nurse about every hour to hour and a half! So the highlights of my week have all happened in the house . . .

Megan has been throwing major crying fits and tantrums AFTER her nap! I thought that was supposed to happen before! It makes it worse to try to console her, so the other day I just let her cry for an hour and eventually it ended. But despite how crazy it was making me, I actually wanted to laugh at one point. Through her tears, she was trying to do something and it wasn't working. It took me a minute to figure out that she was saying over and over "it doesn't work, sweetie, it doesn't work!" I had to laugh and then I wondered about the ramifications of her talking to herself! And using the same terms of endearment that I use! And as I've paid attention over the past few days, she only uses those terms of endearment (sweetie, hon) when she's talking to herself. Hmmm, at least she'll have good self-esteem!

Also, this is funny but also a good example of government waste. Chopper got promoted! Why is this funny? Because he hasn't actually worked in several months while he's been on disability for shoulder recovery. And yet the government has seen fit to advance him. And that is why, ladies and gentlemen, in tough economic times it is good to have a government job. And also why our taxes are ridiculous.

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