Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween (of course)

Ok I'm doing this post quick so Grandma can see it before she goes to bed! Megan was the most adorable flower ever! I know I was going to do Little Bo Peep but I decided to hold off on that until she's older because it was a pretty involved costume. But I made her flower costume and it turned out really really cute! Plus it was cheap and most of it she can wear it again. She's wearing the skirt over her pajamas but she plays with the ladybugs and says "bug, ewwww".

Anyway, I took lots of pictures and I'm glad I did because it was dark at trunk or treat and our camera is dumb. She did not get the concept -- loved walking around just randomly and was only convinced to go to the cars if they held out the candy to her and she got to hold it in her hands. She loved sitting in the back of our car though and tried to claim our entire bowl of candy. In fact, when Chopper first took her out to trick or treat she threw a fit because of all the candy she was leaving! But we had a good time and saw lots of friends.

Don't you love our car? Chopper had to have lights! Megan will now smile when you ask her too -- the problem is getting her to stand still for the picture too -- but when she smiles when you ask it is this wide, cheesy grin that I love but it looks EXACTLY like Chopper! It is sooooo cute.

1 comment:

James and Kista said...

So adorable! Love the car, wish we had gotten there on time to enjoy it more... :(
Next year, next year. You look so cute with your preggo belly!